47 research outputs found

    Arbitration Schemes for Multiprocessor Shared Bus

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    Visual Error Augmentation for Enhancing Motor Learning and Rehabilitative Relearning

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    We developed a real-time controller for a 2 degree-of-freedom robotic system using xPC Target. This system was used to investigate how different methods of performance error feedback can lead to faster and more complete motor learning in individuals asked to compensate for a novel visuo-motor transformation (a 30 degree rotation). Four groups of normal human subjects were asked to reach with their unseen arm to visual targets surrounding a central starting location. A cursor tracking hand motion was provided during each reach. For one group of subjects, deviations from the ideal compensatory hand movement (i.e. trajectory errors) were amplified with a gain of 2 whereas another group was provided visual feedback with a gain of 3.1. Yet another group was provided cursor feedback wherein the cursor was rotated by an additional (constant) offset angle. We compared the rates at which the hand paths converged to the steady-state trajectories. Our results demonstrate that error-augmentation can improve the rate and extent of motor learning of visuomotor rotations in healthy subjects. We also tested this method on straightening the movements of stroke subjects, and our early results suggest that error amplification can facilitate neurorehabilitation strategies in brain injuries such as stroke

    Visuomotor Learning Enhanced by Augmenting Instantaneous Trajectory Error Feedback during Reaching

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    We studied reach adaptation to a 30u visuomotor rotation to determine whether augmented error feedback can promote faster and more complete motor learning. Four groups of healthy adults reached with their unseen arm to visual targets surrounding a central starting point. A manipulandum tracked hand motion and projected a cursor onto a display immediately above the horizontal plane of movement. For one group, deviations from the ideal movement were amplified with a gain of 2 whereas another group experienced a gain of 3.1. The third group experienced an offset equal to the average error seen in the initial perturbations, while a fourth group served as controls. Learning in the gain 2 and offset groups was nearly twice as fast as controls. Moreover, the offset group averaged more reduction in error. Such error augmentation techniques may be useful for training novel visuomotor transformations as required of robotic teleoperators or in movement rehabilitation of the neurologically impaired

    Modified Three-Step Search Block Matching Motion Estimation and Weighted Finite Automata based Fractal Video Compression

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    The major challenge with fractal image/video coding technique is that, it requires more encoding time. Therefore, how to reduce the encoding time is the research component remains in the fractal coding. Block matching motion estimation algorithms are used, to reduce the computations performed in the process of encoding. The objective of the proposed work is to develop an approach for video coding using modified three step search (MTSS) block matching algorithm and weighted finite automata (WFA) coding with a specific focus on reducing the encoding time. The MTSS block matching algorithm are used for computing motion vectors between the two frames i.e. displacement of pixels and WFA is used for the coding as it behaves like the Fractal Coding (FC). WFA represents an image (frame or motion compensated prediction error) based on the idea of fractal that the image has self-similarity in itself. The self-similarity is sought from the symmetry of an image, so the encoding algorithm divides an image into multi-levels of quad-tree segmentations and creates an automaton from the sub-images. The proposed MTSS block matching algorithm is based on the combination of rectangular and hexagonal search pattern and compared with the existing New Three-Step Search (NTSS), Three-Step Search (TSS), and Efficient Three-Step Search (ETSS) block matching estimation algorithm. The performance of the proposed MTSS block matching algorithm is evaluated on the basis of performance evaluation parameters i.e. mean absolute difference (MAD) and average search points required per frame. Mean of absolute difference (MAD) distortion function is used as the block distortion measure (BDM). Finally, developed approaches namely, MTSS and WFA, MTSS and FC, and Plane FC (applied on every frame) are compared with each other. The experimentations are carried out on the standard uncompressed video databases, namely, akiyo, bus, mobile, suzie, traffic, football, soccer, ice etc. Developed approaches are compared on the basis of performance evaluation parameters, namely, encoding time, decoding time, compression ratio and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). The video compression using MTSS and WFA coding performs better than MTSS and fractal coding, and frame by frame fractal coding in terms of achieving reduced encoding time and better quality of video

    Ultrasound evaluation of pregnancies with oligohydramnios in third trimester and their feto-maternal outcome at tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Oligohydramnios presents a threat to the fetus due to increased risk of the umbilical cord getting compressed and resulting in impaired blood flow to the fetus. The objective of the study was to find out the significance of oligohydramnios during third trimester of pregnancy.Methods: A hospital based prospective study was conducted in the Department of Radiodiagnosis and Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sir T. Hospital, Bhavnagar. Amniotic fluid index (AFI) estimation was done on 60 pregnant women in third trimester, who were selected after screening for inclusion and exclusion criteria. Women with AFI 5 cm as controls.Results: Maximum number of the patients were belonging to 20-25-year age group in normal AFI, oligohydramnios and borderline oligohydramnios group. Incidence of malpresentation was significantly higher in oligohydramnios (20%), borderline oligohydramnios (17.5%). In oligohydramnios common, etiological factors were PIH (27.5%), idiopathic factor (27.5%), postdatism (12.5%) and IUGR (7.5%), while borderline oligohydramnios group is commonly associated with idiopathic factors (52.5%) followed by PIH (17.5%). Incidence of caesarean section was significantly higher in oligohydramnios group (67.5%) than normal AFI (18%). In borderline oligohydramnios group rate is significantly higher (45%) than normal AFI, but it is less as compared to oligohydramnios.Conclusions: Identification of oligohydramnios can be done by a good clinical examination and confirmed by measuring AFI on ultrasonography. Poor fetal outcome in the form of preterm, IUD, LBW, low APGAR score at 5 minute and increased chances of still birth, NICU admission and neonatal death are seen with oligohydramnios in third trimester and more so if it is detected in early third trimester. Chances of induction of labour and risk of LSCS also increase. Thus, detection of oligohydramnios helps in proper management of the cases so that maternal and perinatal outcome can be improved

    A Review on Block Matching Motion Estimation and Automata Theory based Approaches for Fractal Coding

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    Fractal compression is the lossy compression technique in the field of gray/color image and video compression. It gives high compression ratio, better image quality with fast decoding time but improvement in encoding time is a challenge. This review paper/article presents the analysis of most significant existing approaches in the field of fractal based gray/color images and video compression, different block matching motion estimation approaches for finding out the motion vectors in a frame based on inter-frame coding and intra-frame coding i.e. individual frame coding and automata theory based coding approaches to represent an image/sequence of images. Though different review papers exist related to fractal coding, this paper is different in many sense. One can develop the new shape pattern for motion estimation and modify the existing block matching motion estimation with automata coding to explore the fractal compression technique with specific focus on reducing the encoding time and achieving better image/video reconstruction quality. This paper is useful for the beginners in the domain of video compression

    Exploring Path Computation Techniques in Software-Defined Networking: A Review and Performance Evaluation of Centralized, Distributed, and Hybrid Approaches

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a networking paradigm that allows network administrators to dynamically manage network traffic flows and optimize network performance. One of the key benefits of SDN is the ability to compute and direct traffic along efficient paths through the network. In recent years, researchers have proposed various SDN-based path computation techniques to improve network performance and reduce congestion. This review paper provides a comprehensive overview of SDN-based path computation techniques, including both centralized and distributed approaches. We discuss the advantages and limitations of each approach and provide a critical analysis of the existing literature. In particular, we focus on recent advances in SDN-based path computation techniques, including Dynamic Shortest Path (DSP), Distributed Flow-Aware Path Computation (DFAPC), and Hybrid Path Computation (HPC). We evaluate three SDN-based path computation algorithms: centralized, distributed, and hybrid, focusing on optimal path determination for network nodes. Test scenarios with random graph simulations are used to compare their performance. The centralized algorithm employs global network knowledge, the distributed algorithm relies on local information, and the hybrid approach combines both. Experimental results demonstrate the hybrid algorithm's superiority in minimizing path costs, striking a balance between optimization and efficiency. The centralized algorithm ranks second, while the distributed algorithm incurs higher costs due to limited local knowledge. This research offers insights into efficient path computation and informs future SDN advancements. We also discuss the challenges associated with implementing SDN-based path computation techniques, including scalability, security, and interoperability. Furthermore, we highlight the potential applications of SDN-based path computation techniques in various domains, including data center networks, wireless networks, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Finally, we conclude that SDN-based path computation techniques have the potential to significantly improvement in-order to improve network performance and reduce congestion. However, further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of these techniques under different network conditions and traffic patterns. With the rapid growth of SDN technology, we expect to see continued development and refinement of SDN-based path computation techniques in the future

    Review of SDN-based load-balancing methods, issues, challenges, and roadmap

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    The development of the Internet and smart end systems, such as smartphones and portable laptops, along with the emergence of cloud computing, social networks, and the Internet of Things, has brought about new network requirements. To meet these requirements, a new architecture called software-defined network (SDN) has been introduced. However, traffic distribution in SDN has raised challenges, especially in terms of uneven load distribution impacting network performance. To address this issue, several SDN load balancing (LB) techniques have been developed to improve efficiency. This article provides an overview of SDN and its effect on load balancing, highlighting key elements and discussing various load-balancing schemes based on existing solutions and research challenges. Additionally, the article outlines performance metrics used to evaluate these algorithms and suggests possible future research directions